丙烯腈丁二烯苯乙烯ABS,ABS Prime ABS 860 FR是東莞市雙幫塑膠原料有限公司常年銷售的塑料,因為塑料價格行情每天都有新變化前天的報價不等于今天的報價。本公司銷售的所有原料保證是原廠原包,隨料可以提供生產廠商提供的物性表、SGS報告,COA原料出廠報告,REACH報告,SVHC報告,UL黃卡,提供原料注塑加工工程中可能出現的各種異常現象解決方法,塑料牌號太多,本網站沒有提供的本公司也有代理,詳情請咨詢本公司相關業務人員0769-87795123,微信:13549213581 QQ:15397858 13549213581 肖生
ABS抗撞擊性高, 耐熱性高, 阻燃,熱成型
Prime ABS 860 FR
Primex Plastics Corporation
Technical Data
Prime ABS 860 FR is an ignition resistant ABS with excellent process stability, high practical toughness and heat distortion temperature.
Prime ABS 860FR may be used for interior applications such as appliance parts, transportation and electronics.
Prime ABS 860FR has excellent thermoforming characteristics. It is extremely versatile in nearly all thermoforming operations from high volume, multi-station rotary machines to single station and shuttle presses. Pressure forming techniques have also been highly successful. It can be formed on wood, epoxy, ceramic and/or aluminum tools. The forming temperature has a range of 300 - 350°F. For best results the mold temperature should be 150-190°F. In some cases it is necessary to dry the sheet before forming.
Prime ABS 860FR can be screwed, drilled, routed, punched and die-cut with conventional tooling. Parts made with Prime ABS 860FR may be joined with machine screws, bolts, nuts, rivets, and spring steel fasteners. Thread- cutting or thread-forming screws are an economical means for securing separate joints. Formed parts may be joined with Methylene Chloride if maximum impact strength is not required. Press and snap techniques and sonic welding may also be used for the bonding of Prime ABS 860FR.
Please contact your Primex Plastics representative for more information on finishing, fabricating, or the thermoforming process.
Colors, Textures, Capabilities:
Prime ABS 860FR can be color matched to meet your specific requirements. Prime ABS 860FR is available in thicknesses from .060 - .400. Textures include Calf Grain, HC, RM, Seville, Levant Il, FL/HC and Diamond Plate.
材料狀態 • 已商用:當前有效
資料 1 • Technical Datasheet (English)
搜索 UL 黃卡 • Primex Plastics Corporation
供貨地區 • 北美洲 • 歐洲
特性 • 高拉伸強度 • 良好的加工穩定性 • 耐熱性,高
• 抗撞擊性,高 • 耐低溫沖擊 • 韌性良好
用途 • 電氣/電子應用領域 • 電氣元件 • 家電部件
外觀 • 可用顏色
形式 • 片材
加工方法 • 熱成型
物理性能 額定值單位制 測試方法
比重 1.18g/cm³ ASTM D792
熔流率(熔體流動速率) (220°C/10.0 kg) 12g/10 min ASTM D1238
機械性能 額定值單位制 測試方法
抗張強度 (屈服) 41.2MPa ASTM D638
彎曲模量 2060MPa ASTM D790
彎曲強度 54.9MPa ASTM D790
沖擊性能 額定值單位制 測試方法
懸壁梁缺口沖擊強度 (23°C) 200J/m ASTM D256
硬度 額定值單位制 測試方法
洛氏硬度 (R 級) 98 ASTM D785
熱性能 額定值單位制 測試方法
載荷下熱變形溫度 (0.45 MPa, 退火) 82.8°C ASTM D648
維卡軟化溫度 92.8°C ASTM D1525
可燃性 額定值單位制 測試方法
UL 阻燃等級 UL 94
> 1.50 mm V-0
> 2.49 mm 5VB
Prime ABS 860 FR
Primex Plastics Corporation
補充信息 額定值單位制
Thermoforming Molding Temperature
Forming Temperature 149 到 177°C
Mold Temperature 66 到 88°C
丙烯腈丁二烯苯乙烯ABS,ABS Prime ABS 860 FR是東莞市雙幫塑膠原料有限公司常年銷售的塑料,因為塑料價格行情每天都有新變化前天的報價不等于今天的報價。本公司銷售的所有原料保證是原廠原包,隨料可以提供生產廠商提供的物性表、SGS報告,COA原料出廠報告,REACH報告,SVHC報告,UL黃卡,提供原料注塑加工工程中可能出現的各種異常現象解決方法,塑料牌號太多,本網站沒有提供的本公司也有代理,詳情請咨詢本公司相關業務人員0769-87795123 微信:13549213581 QQ:15397858
13549213581 肖生